Co-founder of Texas Conservatives pens open letter to TX House 29 State Representative Ed Thompson

Ed Thompson - Texas Capital

Texas State Representative Ed Thompson  District 29

Dear Ed,

I would like you to know the facts, rather than the talking points Joe Straus gives.  A priority for the legislature should be on closing our border, which I discussed with Emily when I was last in your office, before she chose to dismiss me and walk away, even though I was nothing but pleasant (that sure shocked me and another constituent Cyndy Fussell).  I have to assume that she didn’t pass on my comments that more than 1/2 of 1% of the total biennial budget should be spent on closing our border.  The Senate passed that amount, but the house has earmarked even less. Just like in a household budget, how the majority that is spent speaks as to what you deem as a priority, and apparently the Texas House under Joe Straus does not deem closing our border as a priority.

Regarding the Chinese that illegally cross the Texas border, there are eight rescue beacons in Brooks County alone (70 miles north of the border) that have instructions printed in English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese.  This is a KABB Fox News story on the subject.  

It is shameful that the Texas Legislature fails to acknowledge the huge influx of OTMs (Other Than Mexican) that continue to flow across the border.  They would prefer for the average, every day citizen (voter) to view anyone crossing the border as poor Mexicans just looking for work.  Nothing could be further from the truth. See article on Fox News Latino.


teacher and non teacher ratioI also told Emily I felt funding should be cut to education. Throwing more and more money to education hasn’t created a better education – it has created a lesser education, but increased the size of staff to create a better indoctrination of our students.  There are now more administors than teachers.  When has more administration ever created a better product?  

However, you voted to spend millions for the cradle-to-grave Pre-K bill, which has been proven to make no difference beyond the first grade. This Pre-K bill is similar to “Head Start”, which is expensive and ineffective.  See article from  Yes, I realize Gov. Abbott deemed it a priority, however, you don’t work for Gov. Abbott – you work for your constituents.  It truly is just as important to know WHY someone may be pushing for a bill (see article).  Gov. Abbott has also made closing the border a priority, however the House has not.

When we talked with you last year about the importance of closing the border, you stated you absolutely agreed.  The budget coming out of the House speaks louder than those words.

I’ve been keeping up with what is occurring in House and Senate.  The Senate is much more conservative than the House, and I believe it speaks volumes to the leadership.  Unfortunately, although you were repeatedly asked not to vote for Straus, you supported Straus and his tactics.  He was not the conservative to lead for conservative principles as you all (except for 19 principled conservatives) said. We said he would make good on his word to kill as many conservative bills as possible, and yet you supported him. (See article from Empower Texans).

I have been stunned at the antics of the House representatives making fun of the principled conservatives for their size (body type) and their desire to truly represent their constituents (see article).  (In the 84th Legislature) This is some of the worst behavior we’ve seen in years, again all under Joe Straus and Dennis Bonnen, when Straus is absent. Too many of these televised proceedings in the Chamber as well as in committee meetings show the leadership you support as childish, certainly not befitting Texas statesmen.

sales tax change

I am also disappointed in the House Budget. Cutting property taxes would give real relief to Texas households. The sales tax cut does not.

I am very disappointed.  I would like the opportunity to discuss this and other matters (including the House proposed sales tax cut – see picture to the left) with you when you are in Pearland, and I look forward to hearing from your office to make that appointment.

Sheri Edwards, Pearland, TX

NOTE:  Items in red were not in the original email sent to Rep. Thompson, but are provided here for further information. I have no doubt that Rep. Thompson was already aware.
This entry was posted in 84th Legislature, Border Security, Conservative Republicans of Texas, Cronyism, Governmental Bullies, Lt Governor, Republican, Republican Party, School / Educational Issues, Speaker of the House, State Issues, TEA Party, Texas, Texas House of Representatives, Texas Legislature, Texas Senate, Wasteful Spending. Bookmark the permalink.

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